First issue

That is it ! The first issue of a critical platform under a strange and non-representative title COMMARUSSIA. Shall we just keep it – our rather controversial initial name for our tight female collective ? In this issue I am encouraging a conversation around femininity and feminism.

In CONVERSATIONS   I would love to hear your thoughts on femininity and feminism in Russia and beyond.
In REVIEWS   is coming a line of thoughts on the exhibition of  CHANTAL AKERMAN in M HKA in Antwerp, Belgium.

And in WONDERS   I would like to share an article Metamodernism, Quirky and Feminism* by GRY RUSTAD from a platform called   Notes on metamodernism   – a “webzine documenting trends and tendencies across aesthetics and culture that can no longer be understood by a postmodern vernacular but require another idiom – one that we have come to call metamodernism”.

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